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The right software save your organization time, money and difficulties and creates proper conditions for xxx productivity, information xx, klantservice and profits. These are great advantages in a time in which competition between companies and organizations increases.

Still it can be difficult to select the right software solution. There are a lot of applications, but not all applications cooperate and not all of them are easy to work with.

Therefor ABC Software decided a few years ago to develop a revolutionary software program to overcome these complaints. This application suite bundles important office functions and creates a structure to control the use of Windows applications

The application covers, depending on the selected modules, tools for maintaining the management of contacts, documents, communication, todo's, faxes, registration of incoming and outgoing mail, archives, general ledgers, sales ledgers, purchase ledgers, stock, helpdesk, projects and hour administration. The result is TeleDesk. A new and complete suite of applications that increases productivity and is easy to use for single employees and workgroups.


Home News Product Info Contents Search Message to ABC Nederlands


Changed at : 27 november 2008
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